Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace cloud training

Empowering not-for-profit managers, leaders and IT administrators
MS 365 and cloud training for administrators

Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace offer an array of powerful tools to enhance collaboration and productivity, and help you better collaborate with your teams. 

While some organisations prefer outsourcing their Cloud platform management, you may opt to develop this expertise in-house, and you can access our free resources to help build the necessary skills. 

Our beginners to advanced training is designed to empower IT administrators and managers by providing in-depth insights into both platforms so that you can use them with ease. Learn the basics, explore advanced features and optimise your not-for-profit’s use of these powerful cloud solutions. 

Training options available include a wide range of free resources for training related to the Microsoft Cloud, the Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft One Drive, Microsoft Power Platform, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Azure and more. Additional resources include Microsoft’s Cloud training events and Virtual Training Days. These free, comprehensive events include live Q&As hosted by experts. 

For organisations that use Google Workspace and Google Cloud, we provide training options for everything from Google Email to Calendar, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Meets, Google Workspace Administration and more. 

Microsoft and Google Workspace training includes: 

  • Microsoft 365 overview
  • Microsoft 365 and cloud training for IT administrators 
  • Google workspace for not-for-profit staff 
  • Google workspace migration and administration 
  • Protecting your Microsoft and Google not-for-profit environment from cyber threats 
  • Google workspace and cloud training for IT administrators 

Topics include introduction to the Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace Suites, accessing suitability for your organisation, workspace essentials, cloud security best practices, workplace collaboration tools, and advanced features and settings.

Take a look through this technology training here.

What is Microsoft 365? 

Microsoft 365 is a cloud-powered productivity platform that offers a wide range of tools and programs to work collaboratively with your teams including Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, Microsoft OneDrive, Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Office and other components of Microsoft 365.

What is Google Workspace? 

Google Workspace, offers a subscription-based platform that seamlessly integrates several tools for real-time collaboration and creation, including Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Meets, Google Sheets, Google Cloud and Google Workspace Administration.

Can nonprofits get Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 for free? 

Both Microsoft and Google have not-for-profit programs with free and discounted plan options. Check if your organisation meets the eligibility criteria for nonprofits and the plans available and discounted costs here (Google) and here (Microsoft).

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